Linx Wallet (mobile app)


Buy Kadena

Go to a exchange like Binance®, Coinmetro® or Kucoin® and buy Kadena token

Install LINX Wallet

Download from official site Your key to Web3 on Kadena | Linx Wallet

Add Kishk

*For this example we will use LINX Wallet. We show you all the steps from scratch, skip the unnecessary ones.

2-Add Kushu ken token to your wallet

  • Go to «Customize» and then enable Kishk to see the token

    3-Send Kadena tokens (KDA) from CEX to your LINX WALLET

    4-Now you can use the swapp option to get Kishk!

    IMPORTANT Using Linx on a DEX

    REMEMBER tokens must me on the correct chain to operate if you decide to buy Kishk on CEX tru «WalletConnect» (MERCATUS chain 2 // Kdswap chain 1)

    Using Decentralized exchanges «DEX»




    Buy Kadena

    Go to a exchange like Binance®, Coinmetro® or Kucoin® and buy Kadena token

    Send KDA to eckoWALLET*

    *For this example we will use eckoWALLET but there are more options. We show you all the steps from scratch, skip the unnecessary ones.

    1-Download from official site

    2-Add Kushu ken token to your wallet

    • Contract name: free.kishu-ken

    3-Send Kadena tokens (KDA) from CEX to your eckoWALLET

    In case that you send your KDA, from your preferred exchange, and they are not in the chain you want to operate, you must do a crosschain.*
    *Each unique address (k:) is composed of 0 to 19 chains.
    For example, to have your tokens on chain number 2 (where MERCATUS operates) you must do a «Crosschain»


    Let’s imagine that the funds from your exchange reach chain number 0 to your eckoWallet
    To make a «crosschain» Simply copy your K: address to the clipboard, then choose «SEND» option, on «SOURCE CHAIN ID» select «Chain 0» (as the source chain of the funds). On «DESTINATION ACCOUNT» paste the one you have copied, and as «TARGET CHAIN ID» just select «Chain 2.

    Wait a few moments and the transaction will be in process, in a couple of minutes you should already have the funds in chain 2.

    REMEMBER tokens must me on the correct chain to operate (MERCATUS chain 2 // Kdswap chain 1)

    Buy Kishu Ken $KISHK on eckoWALLET

    Now that you have KDA in eckoWALLET

    Go to MERCATUS you must use «Connect wallet» on the DEX page and you will see your available balance in chain two, you can now select the desired amount you want to buy on «GIVE» section and SELECT «KISHK» on «RECIVE» (or use the search) and buy, after a few minutes you will see your KISHK balance reflected in your wallet & the exchange balance!

    REMEMBER your tokens must be on the correct chain to operate (MERCATUS chain 2 // Kdswap chain 1)

    Official FAQ eckoDEX

    Official FAQ KDSwap

    Using eckoWALLET extension and adding token

    Using eckoDEX (Renamed MERCATUS) & buying $KISHK